Our Science

Participative Monitoring via On Cloud Data Storing System (ODK Collect)

Penyu Belimbing
Leatherback Sea Turtle Swims near the surface in waters off Kofiau. Kofiau is part of the Raja Ampat Islands of Indonesia located in the Coral Triangle.

When YKAN is searching for solutions to environmental issues

it conducts preliminary studies to understand the ground conditions better.

TURTLE CONSERVATION EFFORTS IN ROTE The government and the community cooperate in conserving turtles in Rote, East Nusa Tenggara.

To help with this, YKAN has developed an innovative approach that involves online-based monitoring using its software application, On Cloud Data Storing System (ODK Collect).

YKAN's Ocean Program has used the ODK Collect app in two projects: an assessment of sea turtle nesting beaches in the Savu Sea in East Nusa Tenggara and an analysis of waste in Wakatobi, in southeast Sulawesi.

ODK Collect Field surveyors can access YKAN's monitoring app on an Android phone and directly input data online.

The Android-based ODK Collect app allows field surveyors to directly input data through an online form, as a photograph or as a GPS location. Once the surveyor reaches a location with internet access, they save the data to a cloud storage system. Data processing is also more reliable because it can be verified remotely to ensure the quality and accuracy of the uploaded data.


YKAN's innovative ODK Collect app provides simple and effective online monitoring.

Penyu Sisik
Hawksbill Sea Turtle Towering over the coral reefs. Rinca Island, East Nusa Tenggara Indonesia. © Jeff Yonover