Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara. (YKAN) believes that development and conservation can happen simultaneously.
Terrestrial Program supports sustainable and low emission forestry practices based on science and encourages multi-party collaboration between government, corporations, and the public in the form of aligned partnership. These efforts are manifested in four strategies:
Community-Based Natural Resources Management
YKAN supports community empowerment through SIGAP approach by facilitating rights for access and management to manage natural resources, develop sustainable livelihood, and strengthen village governance More info
Sustainable Forest Management
YKAN supports sustainable production forest management (Pengelolaan Hutan Produksi Lestari or PHPL) by promoting mandatory PHPL certification through providing natural production forest concession technical supports More info
Sustainable Palm Oil
YKAN facilitates protection of high conservation value areas (HCVA) by technical support to the Government of East Kalimantan Province and Berau Regency More info
Peatland Conservation
Restoring Indonesia's peatlands is essential to reducing emissions and protecting the ecosystem. YKAN and partners conduct research and restoration in Kalimantan and Jambi to support science-based policies and community involvement in peat protection More info
Terrestrial Program Goals By 2030:
11 million ha of forests are sustainably managed.
2 million hectares of forests are avoided from conversion.
contributing to 56 Million tCO2e/year emission reduction and improving the well-being of 56,000 people.
To view the previous report click here.