Community-Based Natural Resources Management

Village Governance Strengthening

Pohon Loa
Pengukuhan Kepala Desa

SIGAP SEJAHTERA Program is implemented in Berau Regency to facilitate all 99 villages in Berau. This program is a partnership between the Regency Government, private sectors, academia (Gadjah Mada University), and YKAN.

This program is related to the SIGAP Learning Networks, which consists of SIGAP Coaching Clinic for village facilitator capacity strengthening and SIGAP village academy for village government capacity strengthening. Community Learning Circle is also present as a facility for knowledge assimilation between village facilitators and village government. The capacity strengthening thematics covers village facilitation techniques, village governance, village business institutions (Village-Owned Enterprises or Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes)), and social forestry management.

Panen Jagung