Terrestrial Program

Peatland Conservation

Lahan gambut
Koran River The camp for peatland restoration that monitors the flora and fauna in Sebangau National Park, Central Kalimantan Indonesia. © Markurius Sera

Protecting and restoring Indonesia’s peatland is the key to achieving the country’s emissions reduction target by 2030

Peatland ecosystems are critical for carbon storage and provide a broad array of ecosystem services, including habitat for biodiversity, water regulation, and pollution control.

Muara Siran's Peatland Ecosystem One-third of the total peatland area in East Kalimantan can be found in Muara Siran. The inland peat swamp ecosystem is unique and unspoiled, and provides high ecosystem services for people, biodiversity and climate.

Indonesia is a critical hotspot for peatlands, home to about a third of total tropical peatland areas. Peatland ecosystems are critical for carbon storage and provide a broad array of ecosystem services, including habitat for biodiversity, water regulation, and pollution control. Nevertheless, degraded and drained peatlands are estimated to emit 1.9 Gigatonnes of CO2e annually, equivalent to 5% of global anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), exacerbating the impacts of climate change. Thus, rewetting peatlands is required to restore the hydrological functions of degraded peatland ecosystems and revert them to carbon sinks from carbon sources.


Protocol for Measuring Soil Greenhouse Gas Fluxes

Studi terkait emisi GRK penting dilakukan untuk memperkuat pengetahuan dan basis data, khususnya di gambut tropis.


Peatland contributes up to 74% of Indonesia's total Natural Climate Solution (NCS) mitigation potential (Novita et al. 2024). Protecting and restoring Indonesia’s peatland is the key to achieving the country’s emissions reduction target by 2030. In Kalimantan Island, Indonesia, tropical peatlands with area of 5.4 million hectares exhibit remarkable carbon storage capabilities. These peatlands can reach depths of up to 6 meters, storing an impressive among of 3000 MgC per hectare. In some remote upstream locations, the peat can even extend to depths of 10-18 meters, harboring more than 6000 MgC per hectare. The immense carbon reservoir contained within these peatlands is crucial for understanding global carbon dynamics and their role in climate change mitigation efforts. West Kalimantan is among the five top provinces other than Central Kalimantan, Riau, South Sumatra, and Papua, with the largest opportunity.