Learning from the SIGAP facilitation process from the pilot village of Long Duhung, Berau District.
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Indonesia Program Infographics
Wetland Ecosystems on Etam Earth
A wetland ecosystem is an area of inundation or water storage area, which has land and water characteristics.
Journey of Green growth Compact in East Kalimantan
The GGC declaration was strengthened at the annual meeting of The Governor's Climate and Forest Task Force in Balikpapan, and it was agreed that seven model initiatives would be developed in East Kalimantan.
Recognize the Impact of Climate Change in Dete
The people of Dete Village are farmers and fishermen who produce agricultural and fishery products for household consumption and sale. Agriculture is highly dependent on rainwater.
The impact of Climate Change in Kollo Soha
The people of Kollo Soha village generally have dual occupations: farmers and fishermen or government officials and traders. Agriculture and dry fish are highly dependent on rainwater. The rain benefits agriculture but hampers the processing of dried fish.
Recognize the Impact of Climate Change in Waduri
Seaweed cultivation is the largest source of income for Waduri Village—changes in rainfall, seawater, and air temperature influence seaweed cultivation and agricultural land.
Recognize the Impact of Climate Change in Balasuna
The majority of the people of Balasuna Village are seaweed farmers who also work as fishermen and land farmers. Most people use coastal areas as seaweed cultivation areas. Agriculture relies heavily on rainwater.
Impact of Climate Change on South Balasuna
The majority of the people of South Balasuna Village work as land farmers whose main commodity is copra; a small number are fishermen and other professionals. There are changes in the condition of mangrove forests and river watersheds (DAS) due to increased settlements and agricultural land.
Green Growth Compact Model Initiative
The agreement revealed was in the form of developing a natural resource management model initiative with collaboration and partnership. The aim is to create new opportunities, ideas, and ways of solving ecosystem-based management problems through a landscape-scale approach.
The Birds in the Wildlife Sanctuary Muara Angke
Muara Angke mangrove forest and wildlife sanctuary is a protected nature conservation area at Kapuk Muara, Penjaringan along the north coast of Jakarta, Indonesia.
The animals in the wildlife sanctuary Muara Angke
Muara Angke mangrove forest and wildlife sanctuary is a protected nature conservation area at Kapuk Muara, Penjaringan along the north coast of Jakarta, Indonesia.
Indonesia Mangrove Ecosystem
Indonesia's mangroves store 3.14 billion metric tons of carbon or the equivalent of global coastal carbon stocks.
Mangrove Ecosystem Restoration Allience (MERA)
Mangrove ecosystem is the extraordinary tropical forests that grow at the edge of the land and sea, prevents erosion, store vast amount carbon and support fisheries productivity.
Indonesia Natural Climate Solution
Infographic Indonesia Natural Climate Solution.
Indonesia's Ocean
YKAN's Indonesia Oceans Program works through four main strategies to support sustainable community livelihoods and the protection of Indonesia's biodiversity.
Reduced Impact Logging Carbon
Reduced impact logging (RIL) is the intensively planned and carefully controlled implementation of logging operations to minimize the environmental impact on forest stands and soils.
Waste Characterization
Waste characterization Kulati village, Wakatobi with CBT Poassa Nuhada.
Coastal Ecosystem
Coastal Conservation Areas and Small Islands Derawan Islands and Surrounding Waters (KKP3K KDPS) determine 3 coastal ecosystems (mangroves, seagrass, coral reefs) as conservation targets.
Mangrove Ecosystem
Mangroves are highly productive forests built from clusters of green trees and shrubs that live on the coast, in tidal zones in some tropical and sub-tropical areas. Mangrove forests have thick breath roots that allow them to grow above sea water puddles.
Whale Shark
The spotted shark is the largest type of shark and fish in the world. Spotted sharks live alone, not in groups.
Coastal Conservation Areas and Small Islands Derawan Islands and Surrounding Waters (KKP3K KDPS).
Coral reefs
The crests of healthy coral reefs are close to the surface and working as natural breakwaters which primarily reduce the bulk of wave energy and help protect coastal communities.
Turtle Introduction
Turtles are marine reptiles. They inhabit tropical and sub-tropical seas around the world. The shell consists of the upper and bottom shell.
Turtle Reproduction
Turtle mating takes place in the sea. One or more male turtles can mate with a female turtle.
Protecting Turtle Conservation in Berau District
Turtles are protected animals by the Indonesian State based on Law no. 5 of 1990. Therefore, it is forbidden to take/kill/store/trade Turtles and all their derivative products.
How Do Sea Turtles Maintain Ocean Health?
Turtles are known as “ocean gardeners” to keep coral reefs and seaweed healthy. Protecting turtles also means protecting various ecosystems and environmental services.
The Danger That Threatens the Turtles
There are 7 species of turtles in the world and 6 of them found in Indonesian waters. Most of the turtle species are vulnerable or endangered.
Kakaban Lake Ecology
Kakaban Lake is one of the largest saltwater lakes in the world, with an area of about 400 hectares. It is a system of saltwater lakes that are connected to the sea through small water channels underground. Lake Kakaban is thought to have been formed from a raised coral atoll.
Life on Lake Kakaban
Information about Berau's unique waters and how you can help preserve it.
Berau Marine Protected Area
Area of Coastal Conservation Area and Small Islands Derawan Island: 285,548.95 hectares.
Raja Ampat Marine Protected Area
Raja Ampat Islands Marine Protected Area, Raja Ampat Regency, West Papua.
Indonesia Program factsheet
Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara Profile
Fact Sheet
Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara (YKAN) non-profit organization which was established in Indonesia in 2014.
Empowered Women, Prosperous Families
Fact Sheet
YKAN invites other organizations to collaborate in promoting gender equality by enhancing skills and empowering both men and women in the fisheries sector.
USAID Kolektif: Strengthening Indonesia’s Marine Protected Areas
Fact Sheet
Unsustainable development, overexploitation, destructive fishing practices, and climate change threaten coral reefs, mangroves, and seagrasses ecosystem.
Community-led Conservation
Fact Sheet
The development of forest commodities, agriculture, and minerals is one of the causes of deforestation due to forest conversion. However, areas with precise forest management by the community show lower levels of deforestation.
Sustainable Forest Management
Fact Sheet
By implementing multi-stakeholder management in an integrated effort, we can achieve comprehensive benefits that protect ecosystems and biodiversity and ensure community welfare.
Synergy for Sustainable Indonesia
Fact Sheet
Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara (YKAN) supports sustainable tourism by carrying out conservation assistance and partnerships that will create tourism activities to support sustainable livelihoods and protect natural resources, traditional values, and social culture of the community.
SECURE (Shrimp-Carbon Aquaculture)
Fact Sheet
Mangrove restoration through environmentally based management of traditional shrimp pond cultivation practices.
Endangered species Habitats Conservation
Fact Sheet
Kalimantan is home to some of the world's most iconic wildlife species. However, most wildlife habitats, such as the Bornean orangutan, are outside the conservation area network.
Jurisdiction-Scale Green Growth Compact
Fact Sheet
Areas with clear forest governance by communities show lower rates of deforestation. Management and utilization of forest resources in a sustainable manner is the key to the survival of villagers.
Green Growth Compact
Fact Sheet
The Green Growth Development Agreement involves stakeholders in East Kalimantan, including the private sector, central/provincial/regional government, academia, NGOs and local communities in an agreement on sustainable development initiatives.
Indonesia’s Bird’s Head Seascape
Fact Sheet
Indonesia’s Bird’s Head Seascape is a global hotspot of marine biodiversity, home to over 600 coral species and nearly 1,800 reef fish species. More than 350,000 people depend on this fast-growing tourist destination for their livelihoods.
Unlocking the Potential of Mangrove Ecosystem for Climate Change Mitigation: A Case Study in Tabalar Muara, Berau, East Kalimantan
Fact Sheet
In recent years, vast areas of mangroves have been converted primarily to aquacultures, leading to mangrove deforestation and degradation. This conversion is associated with significant greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, threatening global efforts to tackle climate change.
Protecting Muara Siran Peatland Ecosystem: A Hope for Climate Change Mitigation in East Kalimantan
Fact Sheet
At the current state, over half of the total peatland area in Indonesia is in various levels of degradation (Miettinen et al., 2016). This degradation of the peatland ecosystem is associated with significant greenhouse gas (GHG) emission, which threatens our efforts in tackling climate change.
Risalah Alam Edition 02
Fact Sheet
The inaugural edition of YKAN's three-monthly newsletter "Risalah Alam" framed it in several partnership stories from each working area, both to support program conservation terrestrial and coastal and marine.
“SIGAP” Communities Guard Sustainable Estate Crop
Fact Sheet
The SIGAP program positively impacted the people in the villages that had done it first. Now they can plan development while conserving natural resources, forests, and land, which are village assets.
Green Collaboration for Sustainable Estate Crop Communication Forum
Fact Sheet
East Kalimantan is one of Indonesia's provinces with the highest ecological and economic wealth. Nevertheless, East Kalimantan also faces challenges in the form of three decades of legacy due to unsustainable management of natural forests, oil palm plantations, and mining.
Transformation of Estate Crop Information System for Sustainable Indonesia
Fact Sheet
The plantation sector plays an essential role in the Indonesian economy. In 2021, the contribution of the plantation sector to the national Gross Domestic Product (GDP) will reach 3.94 percent. The plantation commodities that are the national mainstay are oil palm, rubber, coconut, coffee, and cocoa
Sustainable Oil Palm Management Strategy
Fact Sheet
YKAN, together with other partners, continues to support the implementation of the principles of mitigation and compensation for the development of sustainable oil palm plantations.
Peatland Restoration
Fact Sheet
Peatlands restoration plays a crucial role in Indonesia’s climate mitigation, particularly through rewetting to raise the water table in peatland areas.
NCS West Kalimantan-Peatland Carbon Project
Fact Sheet
Peatland ecosystems are critical for carbon storage and provide a broad array of ecosystem services, including habitat for biodiversity, water regulation, and pollution control.
Natural Treatise Edition 01
Fact Sheet
The inaugural edition of YKAN's three-monthly newsletter "Treat of Nature" framed it in several partnership stories from each working area, both to support program conservation terrestrial and coastal and marine.
Wain River Protected Forest
Fact Sheet
15 kilometers from Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, Wain River Protected Forest (HLSW) to be life support for the urban area of Balikpapan.
The Rise Cacao from Eat Kutai
Fact Sheet
Cocoa is one of the leading commodities that have role in improving the welfare of the Indonesian people. Plantation area cocoa in Indonesia reaches 1.5 million hectares.
Natural Climate Solutions
Fact Sheet
NCS is one of strategies to protect, restore and improve land management for mitigation climate change (Griscom et al., 2017).
NDC Emission Reduction
Fact Sheet
How is the contribution of mangroves in achieving the target Indonesia's NDC Emission Reduction?
Forest Area Tenurial Conflicts SOP
Fact Sheet
This Standard Operating Procedure was created as a guide and guide in identifying, receiving complaints, resolving processes, and monitoring post-conflict resolution.
Resolution for Sustainable Peat Conservation
Fact Sheet
Peat ecosystems in Indonesia are still under threat due to the rate of deforestation and degradation triggered by various factors, such as logging, fires, and agricultural practices that are not in accordance with conservation principles.
Mangrove Power for NDC Target Achievement
Fact Sheet
Mangroves are the most effective and efficient in carbon sequestration, i.e. capturing carbon CO₂ in the atmosphere and keep it on the ground.
MPA (Shredded Fish Benefits)
Fact Sheet
The group for the women of Limalas village was formed in April 2015, members of this group are women who are also members of the South Raja Ampat Embun cooperative.
Marine Conservation Agreements Providing Social, Cultural and Economic Benefits to Local Communities
Fact Sheet
MCAs can be formal or informal, involve any combination of partners including local resource owners, managers, or users, and sets guidelines on collective action that will be taken to achieve agreed-upon marine conservation goals.
Sustainable Solution to Indonesia's Marine Tourism
Fact Sheet
Rapid growth in the tourism sector will require careful strategic planning with participation from communities to ensure that environmental and social values are protected.
By 2025, 15 million hectares of Indonesia's coastal habitats are sustainably managed to support coastal livelihoods, sustainable fisheries, and Indonesia biodiversity.
Fact Sheet
By 2025, 15 million hectares of Indonesia's coastal habitats are sustainably managed to support coastal livelihoods, sustainable fisheries, and Indonesia biodiversity.
Book & Journal
Methane oxidation in drainage canals significantly reduces emissions from Southeast Asian peatlands, mitigating over 50% of potential emissions. The extent of oxidation varies depending on factors such as water depth and dissolved oxygen levels.
Measuring GHG emissions in Indonesia's rewetted peatlands is limited. Canal blocking in oil palm plantations can reduce emissions, but protecting forests is the best strategy. Accurate GHG inventories are essential for evaluating rewetting impacts and supporting carbon market regulations.
Indonesia, Timor-Leste, Australia, and Papua New Guinea, have independently established Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). Through identified Areas of Interest (AOIs), 3 have been incorporated into Indonesia's national MPA plan, 1 in Timor-Leste, & Australia is considering 2 as potential areas.
This is important to carry out studies related to GHG emissions to strengthen knowledge and data bases, especially on tropical peatlands.
Smallholder participation in zero-deforestation
To ensure more equitable implementation of zerodeforestation commitments, new assessments of the barriers preventing smallholder participation in zerodeforestation initiatives, as well as policy recommendations to overcome those barriers, are needed.
Pendekar Lingkungan Penjaga Mangrove Wakatobi
This guide is one of the preventive efforts to preserve the mangrove ecosystem in National Park Wakatobi through environmental literacy for the community, especially the younger generation and visitors/tourists.
Application of the Method Evaluation and Risk Assessment Tool for a Small-Scale Grouper Fishery in Indonesia
The first application of the Method Evaluation and Risk Assessment tool to inform the small-scale grouper fishery in Saleh Bay, Sumbawa Island, Indonesia.
Introduction of hook size as a tool for management measures of harvest control rules to improve grouper stock in Indonesia
One of the proposed options of the harvest control rules is to implement the catch size limit. The catch size limit approach, however, is challenging, unless it is supported also with strong fisheries surveillance, law enforcement, and innovation.
Length-Based Assessment of Oceanic Tuna Fisheries in Indonesia Archipelagic Waters, Base on a Crew Operated Data Recording System (CODRS)
An adjustment of fishing mortality, catch composition, and fleet characteristics of tuna fisheries in Indonesia's ArchipelagicWaters (IAW), also presents a length-based assessment based on the size composition of the total extraction (all gears combined) of these species from the IAW.
Reproductive biology of the mackerel scad, Decapterus macarellus (Cuvier, 1833), in the Sulawesi Sea, Indonesia
The reproductive periodicity and potential spawning areas of Decapterus macarellus in the northern Sulawesi Sea and provided important information for fisheries management of small pelagic fish in the region.
Fire frequency, intensity, and burn severity in Kalimantan's threatened Peatland areas over two Decades
Over the last three decades, the peat forests of Indonesia, and Kalimantan in particular, have been heavily degraded or destroyed by land cover change including the drainage of peatland swamps, deforestation, and human-ignited fires primarily for land clearing.
When solutions to the climate and biodiversity crises ignore gender, they harm society and the planet
Global warming and biodiversity loss continue to increase impacting women and girls, particularly in low-income countries.
Microplastics leaving a trace in mangrove sediments ever since they were first manufactured: A study from Indonesia mangroves
Microplastics archives in mangrove sediments may provide quantitative data on the impact of human activities on environmental pollution throughout history.
Biological activities and phytochemicals of five orangutan food plants from Wehea-Kelay Landscape
Research into the medicinal properties of orangutan plant foods to examine the phytochemical composition and biological activities of five orangutan food plants taken from the Wehea-Kelay Landscape.
Antimicrobial, antioxidant and phytochemical activities of three orangutan plant foods in Wehea-Kelay Landscape, East Kalimantan
At least 227 forage plant species have been identified as potential medicine plants including Eusideroxylon zwageri, Nephelium lappaceum, and Tristaniopsis whiteana in the Wehea-Kelay Landscape.
Land Use Change Area
Conservation of water resources is essential due to changes in land use, and infiltration observations are carried out in Ecosystem Restoration (ER) areas in rehabilitation zones that require biophysical improvements (UGD areas).
Natural climate solutions in Indonesia
Wetlands are key to achieving Indonesia's national climate commitments.
Nature-Based Solutions Policy Review
Coastal areas not only provide productive natural resources such as coral reefs, seagrass beds, and mangrove forests. However, most coastal areas in Indonesia are directly at risk of experiencing slow-onset events.
Wadualla Village Participatory Climate
The process was carried out in a participatory manner by looking at the community's livelihood resources, the seasonal calendar, and the history of livelihoods of Wadualla Village.
Molie Village Participatory Climate
The process was carried out in a participatory manner by looking at the community's livelihood resources, the seasonal calendar, and the history of livelihoods of Molie Village.
Lederaga Village Participatory Climate
The process was carried out in a participatory manner by looking at the community's livelihood resources, the seasonal calendar, and the history of livelihoods of Lederaga Village.
Lobohede Village Participatory Climate
The process was carried out in a participatory manner by looking at the community's livelihood resources, the seasonal calendar, and the history of livelihoods of Lobohede Village.
Halapadji Village Participatory Climate
The process was carried out in a participatory manner by looking at the community's livelihood resources, the seasonal calendar, and the history of livelihoods of Halapadji Village.
Opportunities and risk management of peat restoration in Indonesia: lessons learned from peat restoration actors
The extreme and high risks of peat restoration failure are dominated by technical and management aspects.
Endangered Animal Habitat Management
Efforts to protect biodiversity have been carried out by the Indonesian government by establishing 554 units of conservation areas covering 271 thousand km2, which consists of Sanctuary Reserves (Nature Reserves and Wildlife Sanctuary) and Nature Conservation Areas.
Landscape-Scale Nature Conservation
The Provincial Government of East Kalimantan—a province with few remaining lowland forests due to exploitation for the sake of economic development—considers that collaborative landscape scale KEE management is significant to be implemented at the site level.
Nature-Based Solutions Policy Review
Coastal ecosystems are experiencing significant damage and irreversible losses due to climate change and the growing belief in increased risk and danger from storms in coastal areas.
Waduri Village Participatory Climate
The process was carried out in a participatory manner by looking at the community's livelihood resources, the seasonal calendar, and the history of livelihoods of Waduri Village.
Eilogo Village Participatory Climate
The process was carried out in a participatory manner by looking at the community's livelihood resources, the seasonal calendar, and the history of livelihoods of Eilogo Village.
Kollo Soha Village Participatory Climate
The process was carried out in a participatory manner by looking at the community's livelihood resources, the seasonal calendar, and the history of livelihoods of Kollo Soha Village.
Dete Village Participatory Climate
The process was carried out in a participatory manner by looking at the community's livelihood resources, the seasonal calendar, and the history of livelihoods of Dete Village.
Balasuna Village Participatory Climate
The process was carried out in a participatory manner by looking at the community's livelihood resources, the seasonal calendar, and the history of livelihoods of Balasuna Village.
South Balasuna Village Participatory Climate
The process was carried out in a participatory manner by looking at the community's livelihood resources, the seasonal calendar, and the history of livelihoods of South Balasuna Village.
WAKATOBI Participatory Climate Vulnerability
Development efforts include preparedness to deal with extreme weather that has the potential to be a disaster, knowledge of detecting signs of severe weather and isolating areas during bad weather and its impact on health services.
STORY FROM KEBUN SAWIT | The Practice of Sustainable Oil Palm Development in East Kalimantan
Sustainable oil palm plantations can reduce this impact while protecting areas of high conservation value. With correct permits, the number of tenure conflicts will decrease, and areas with high conservation value will be maintained.
Indicative Atlas of Essential Ecosystem Areas
There is a need for synergy in managing production and protected forest areas with sustainable principles and paying attention to essential aspects based on ecosystem value. Therefore, initial knowledge about ecosystems with significant value outside conservation areas is necessary.
Mapping and Monitoring Zero-Deforestation Commitment
In various contexts, mapping and monitoring systems are critical components of effective resource governance, from community-based forest management to national Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) programs.
Challenges and Strategies for Sustainable Mangrove Management in Indonesia: A Review
Indonesia has placed mangroves on its national priority agenda in a critical effort to manage this ecosystem sustainably and achieve national climate commitments. However, mangrove management faces complex social, ecological, and economic challenges.
Contributions of Mangrove Conservation and Restoration to Climate Change Mitigation in Indonesia
The significant source of greenhouse gas emissions from a small portion of forest area underscores the importance of including mangrove forests as a natural climate solution.
Reforestation Opportunities in Indonesia
Increasing carbon stocks through forest and land rehabilitation (RHL) activities is one of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry's (KLHK) five main strategies for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the land sector.
Governance issues related to the management and conservation of mangrove ecosystems to support climate change mitigation actions in Indonesia
Mangrove ecosystems in Indonesia show great promise in contributing to climate change mitigation, but they continue to experience significant degradation primarily because of aquaculture conversion.
The Use of Subsidence to Estimate Carbon Loss
Drainage is a major means of the conversion of tropical peat forests into agriculture. Accordingly, drained peat becomes a large source of carbon. However, the amount of carbon (C) loss from drained peats is not simply measured.
Exploring the status of the Indonesian deep demersal fishery using length-based stock assessments
The deep demersal snapper-grouper fishery in Indonesia is a data-poor fisheries resource that provides food security and a source of income to millions globally.
Mangrove Deforestation and CO2 emissions
Mangroves are unique intertidal ecosystems that are experiencing high rates of deforestation throughout the world. Indonesia that has the highest mangrove cover in the world has lost its mangroves significantly in 1980s.
Brackish Water Pond Polyculture in Mangrove Areas
A 2018 study measured the area of mangroves in Berau Regency at 86,087 ha, located in coastal and small islands (Agus et al., 2019). The mangrove ecosystems in KKP3K KDPS covers 22,213 ha, representing about 25% of the mangrove area in Berau Regency.
Avifauna in the Wehea-Kelay Landscape
Wehea-Kelay is a tropical rainforest landscape in East Kalimantan with a total area of 532,143 ha. It has high conservation values since it is a home to at least 600 individuals of critically endangered bornean orangutans and other wildlife.
The Bird's Head Seascape Marine Protected Area network—Preventing biodiversity and ecosystem service loss amidst rapid change in Papua, Indonesia
The Bird's Head Seascape (BHS), Papua, Indonesia is located within the epicenter of global marine biodiversity and has been the focus of recent conservation efforts to protect marine resources.
Kaledupa MHA Regent's Regulation
Regent's regulation concerning the protection and management of coastal and marine resources based on the adat law community of Barata Kahedupa in the Kaledupa Island area in Wakatobi Regency.
MHA Tomia Regent's Regulation
Protection and Management of Coastal and Marine Resources Based on the Kawati Indigenous Peoples in the Tomia Island Region in Wakatobi Regency.
SOTS: A Network of Marine Protected Areas
Bentang Laut Kepala Burung (BLKB) in Papua, Indonesia, is the center of the world's marine biodiversity and is a priority for conservation efforts. Until 2020, marine conservation efforts are led by the Government of Indonesia in partnership with civil society and local communities.
A Framework for Designing Marine Protected Areas and Marine Protected Area Networks In Indonesia
MPAs and MPA Networks play an important role in conservation and management in Indonesia. However, they can only achieve their objectives if they are well designed and effectively managed (Green et al. 2014, Gill et al. 2017, Giakoumi et al. 2018).
Environmental Education Module
In this condition, it is important to introduce efforts to protect the environment from an early age to children through environmental education. Approach in environmental education module that integrates several branches of science regarding human life.
Determination of Fishing & Trade Fish Species
As a result of the large number of juvenile (immature) fish caught, we recommend a phased approach to minimum size implementation, starting with increasing trade limits.
YKAN Coastal SIGAP Guide
One of the work guides as well as a reference for a complete understanding of the development process in the village, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.