Raja Ampat
Raja Ampat The Raja Ampat Islands are located in the westernmost part of Papua and span an area of ​​approximately 4.6 million hectares. © Muhammad Barmawir

Raja Ampat Regency covers a total of 4 ha of lands and sea and is also known as the center of global coral reefs biodiversity. YKAN assists the local government in designing management and zone planning of Regional MPA in Raja Ampat, namely Kofiau and Misool, that officially established in December 2016.

YKAN works together with the government, locals, and non-profit organizations to establish self-sufficient and self-funded MPAs in Raja Ampat. At present, Raja Ampat is the only MPA in which its management unit (UPTD) is run using the Financial Management Pattern of the Regional Public Service Agency (Badan Layanan Umum Daerah or BLUD). Related information regarding the whole process and dynamics inside the establishment of Raja Ampat’s UPTD-BLUD can be found in Dokumen Proses dan Pembelajaran Pembentukan KKPD Raja Ampat dan Pembentukan BLUD UPTD KKPD Raja Ampat (2015).

At present, YKAN also aids the formulation of studies and documents for the new MPA Management and Zoning Plan in Bird’s Head Seascape, the facilitation of the coordination process in the transfer of management authority from the district level to the provincial level, and the formulation of the draft and legalization process for MPA management regulation by UPTD in Raja Ampat.